Dr Pia Maria Maretzke, specialist lawyer for family law

Dr Pia Maria Maretzke
Specialist lawyer for family law

  • Born in Hamburg in 1980
  • Abitur in Hamburg
  • Studied law at the University of Hamburg until October 2004, specialising in family and inheritance law and taking up a doctorate in the field of family law
  • Legal clerkship specialising in family law in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, including stations at the 12th Civil Senate (3rd Senate for Family Matters) of the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg and at the law firm Schneider Stein & Partner
  • Admitted to the bar in October 2008 and started working as a lawyer in the field of family and inheritance law at our law firm
  • December 2011 Doctorate at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/M. in the field of family law
  • 2013 Appointment as specialist lawyer for family law
  • Additional training CLP lawyer

Foreign language

  • English


  • Hamburg Bar Association
  • Working group on family law in the German Bar Association
  • Cooperative Practice North e.V.

Honorary posts

  • Regional representative of the DAV family law working group for the OLG district of Hamburg


  • Das deutsche Kindschafts- und Abstammungsrecht und die Rechtsprechung des EGMR, Schriftenreihe „Studien zum deutschen und internationalen Familien- und Erbrecht“, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/M., 2012
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